SOFTWAREOVERVIEWWasteland Warriors is a casual vehicle based party game for 2-4 players. Players can chooseamong several vehicles and battle against each other in hazardous environments with powerful power ups, scattered across the level. Keywords•Vehicle based battle arena•Local multiplayer•2-4 playersPROJECT SETUP•A group of 7 people (3 designers and 4 artists)•4 weeks development timeusing Unity•Working weekly milestones and deliver results each week.
MY RESPONSIBLITIES•Write weekly milestones and task lists for artists•3D modeling props and environment•Texturing vehicles, props and environments•GUI •Placing art in level•Material and shader set-upsARTISTIC DIRECTIONOur groups goal was to have strong and playful colors with high contrast. Our main inspiration came from Boderland’s comic style and messy props, that we combined with colorful and high saturated textures.Keywords•Saturated and high contrast colors•Comic style and handpainted textures•Black outlines
4 weeks game project (45hrs/week) - 2014Nominated in Sweden Game Awards for “Best Technical Execution”.